How will I receive my recordings?

All recordings will be received through email

What format are the recordings?

All recordings are sent in an mp3 format.

How do I listen to my recordings?

Simply upload the mp3 file to your iTunes, Spotify, Windows Media Player, Laptop, Tablet or Smart Phone.

How do you personalize the recordings?

Upon purchase, you will receive an email intake form with questions about your preferences and we will intuitively create your recording.

How long are the recordings?

Meditation recordings can range from 15, 30, or 45 minutes depending on your selection in the questionnaire.

Can i choose the length of my hypnosis recording?

No, Hypnosis requires at least 20-30 minutes to achieve its objectives.

Can I download these recordings?

Yes, from the attachment with your email deliverables.

What is the difference between Meditation and Hypnosis?

Although both Meditation and Hypnosis require an altered state of consciousness they differ in objectives. 

Meditation’s purpose is mostly achieving mental clarity, balance, calm, and stability.

Whereas Hypnosis’ purpose is to treat multiple conditions, eliminate limited belief systems, and bad behavior.

When is the best time to use meditation?

Morning time just after waking up, night time just before sleep.

Is it ok to fall asleep during meditation?

If your goal is to be relaxed, and calm then it is ok. However, if you want to remain alert after meditation then it’s not recommended to fall asleep.

When is the best time to use the Hypnosis MP3?

Just before bedtime and it is okay to fall asleep to your hypnosis.

Is it ok to fall asleep during hypnosis?

Yes, you are still under hypnosis even if you fall asleep. It is recommended that you use hypnosis as you prepare to sleep for better results.

Is it ok to listen to hypnosis and/or Meditation while driving?

No, DO NOT listen to either while operating heavy machinery or driving. It could result in an accident or injury.